Sunday, December 26, 2010

Nothing is Impossible

As human beings we have the nature of being unsatisfied with our present situations. Seriously answer these simple questions: are you satisfied with your life? If your answer is no, then do you know what kind of life you really want to live? Do you know that you really can make your dream life come true? I am sure you will be surprised to know that you have power to make you life the way you want it to be. Yes, this is true. It is all in the head. Seems like you are getting excited there, and in order to curb this excitement you are invited to read on.

Mostly people only have a vague idea of what they really want in their live. It is because our brains have not been conditioned to think specifically, vividly giving the universe directions for making all that happen that we want in our lives. Yes, you can make it happen! Whatever you want, all lies in the way you have conditioned your mind and the way you think.

Most of us are really good at making plans and strategies for better company projects, spending tedious hours measuring the pros and cons because we realize that without such preparation our company would not be able to achieve its goals. But as our job is done we run home and leave our brains back at the office. When we reach home, we loose that sense of purposefulness and lay back fantasizing about our dream to magically appear. We have no targets or goals; no budgets; no time-frames or deadlines; in fact no plans for living a life in our homes.  In other words, we do not apply the knowledge and expertise of our office to our lives. In order to get what you want in life you need to plan your life, just like you would plan for a shopping, office project, or household chores.

You must plan your life with much more care and attention than you would plan your work. In fact stop waiting for a chance or opportunity to come your way and make you rich happy or healthy just like a fairy would do with her wand. Life is not a fairy tale, and so there are no fairies because in life there are only results. So in order to get what you really want you should be working on it round the clock. But no need to get scared here, working round the clock does not mean to work yourself to death. You can get what you want or desire by applying simple tricks; changing some of your habits that are kind of hurdles in the accomplishment of your dreams. 

Now what or how can you accomplish what you dream of? It is simple...your mind can help you create or accomplish your dream. I would like to quote Mr. Mohandas Ghandi here who said that "man is but a product of his thoughts; what he thinks, that he becomes."

I would like to share with you a simple exercise that any one of you can do as its very easy and effective:
For moment, just imagine that you are a child with no memory of the past. You are not the person that you think you are, you are a stranger to yourself, and you do not know about yourself. Now take this opportunity and recreate yourself, your life. Forget all the limitations that you face in your real life, whether regarding finance, health, time etc. Think of yourself as being free of limitations and make your life what and how you want it to be.

Vividly add details to the picture in your head of what you want in your life- go wild, don't hold back or regard anything impossible. There are all possibilities in this world. Be Clear and Specific. Everything is accomplish-able in this world. It is really important that you be clear of what you want.

I know all this sounds as crazy but it is true. You have this gift to create the life you want. And this power has always been yours, you did not notice it some how. But there is one more secret ingredient to this recipe and that is...Writing!
Yes! You need to write down the world that you have created in your mind. The written word is very powerful. Writing your dreams gives power and brings permanence to your thoughts. You can always go through your written secrets and modify them until you have acquired the perfect description of your vision.

Now you must go through it daily until you have thoroughly memorized it and it has become a part of you. This vision will then completely be the only thing over your mind. And after that you will yourself find ways of achieving your dreams or vision; your surroundings will be forced to align themselves to accomplish your dreams.

This is a daily exercise, don't just put it off, start right now, right this instance and create the life you vision to have. As Earl Nightingale said "everyday we put in place actions and ideas that will determine the shape and substance of our lives." So eveyday counts, every moment counts, take control of your present and the future right now! The past is gone, it is the present and the future that you have and I am sure that you like everyone else want to make the most of it and for that you need to start, now!

You are precious, your life is precious, Don't live a life with no hope or direction. That perfect life can be yours, dare to dream big because all that you dream can come true. Like Jonathan Comerie says, "You are all you can be...go on be it!"

Hope I have shared some different stuff with you all and I am sure you will be able to make the most of it. Until next time, take care and Happy new year!

Share for a better future!

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